to the IPCP

The Institute of Psychodynamic Child Psychotherapy (IPCP) offers child therapy training, supervision and information for mental health practitioners working with children, their families and communities. We provide a wide range of courses and supervision groups. We also consult with those involved in child centres and various community projects.

The IPCP is an accredited CPD provider and CPD points can be obtained through completion of our courses and membership of our groups.

Child Psychotherapy Training

Infant Observation

Infant Observation trains the observer in disciplined psychoanalytic observation. The object is the study of the growth of mind and personality of the infant and the familial context in which this may be facilitated or impeded.

Psychoanalytic Theory

Theory courses on Freud, Klein, Bion and Winnicott form part of the IPCP Certificate in Observational Studies and Therapeutic Skills with Children. Each course is a total of 12 hours, usually divided into weekly seminars. The courses may also be taken as stand-alone courses by those wishing to expand their knowledge of Freud, Klein, Bion and/or Winnicott.

Clinical Seminars

Work with Children and Adolescents

The aim of the seminars is to deepen the practitioner’s clinical skills in psychotherapeutic work with children and adolescents.

Upcoming Events

Elective Courses

The IPCP offers elective courses for clinicians and, in some cases, students interested in broadening their knowledge of these topics. Courses currently on offer are the Child Development course; Meltzer’s The Kleinian Development course; and the Personality Development course.


The IPCP hosts a number of groups for those with special interests. These are the Under-5 reading Group; the Ethics /Advocacy Group; the Attachment Reading Group; the Working with Parents Reading Group; and the Outreach Group.

Child Work Centres

As part of the IPCP outreach, we have representatives from various child centre sites in Gauteng area. We share resources and work together in planning events related to child work.

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Read Thread Issue 56, 1 2024